I am starting off the New Year with another great commission piece, Some cuff links with the metal fusion which delights and surprises me, always. The ones pictured are larger in size than the collector wanted, so another set is being forged to suit their personal adornment needs. The interiors, will of course be different; no two diffusions are ever the same. They are coming along well and I love being back behind the flame, enticing noble metals to express themselves................revealing secrets, encouraging them to tell their tale.
I have gotten word that the work has been accepted for American Craft Council Exhibition in Baltimore February 2008. I feel quite overcome by this. I must drop into a space and let the very best of this work flow into physical form. I feel compelled to show in the West as well, so the work will be at the American Arts Festival in Santa Monica, also at the end of February 2008. With significant amounts of unglamourous toil, preparation, and personal expense of two shows on two coasts looming in front of me, it will be critically important to see through the strain to bring the very best work into being. This is always the goal. These venues will be a significant challenge for me, as my comfort is behind the flame and not amongst so many people; I am better at talking to metal, and hearing its whispers, not answering the songs of human voices. But challenge is one of life's requirements, and so will do my best to overcome my personal maladjustment. Funds From the modest artist grant i received last year will help with some of the travel and exhibition expenses.